
Citation Style: Unified Style Sheet for Linguists

Dąbrowska, Ewa & Tan Arda Gedik. forthcoming. Lexical knowledge, memory and experience. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. 11(1).
Gedik, Tan Arda. forthcoming. Illiteracy and Cognitive Sciences: A Psycholinguistic Perspective. Cognitive Psychology Bulletin
Gedik, Tan Arda. forthcoming. Constructional Emergence in A1-C1: A Bird’s Eye Perspective and Alignment. ATLANTIS. 46(1). 
Gedik, Tan Arda. forthcoming. Unteaching Native Speaker Fallacy: A Practical Application and Discussion. In Ceren Kocaman & Ali Fuad Selvi (eds.), International Perspectives on Critical English Language Teacher Education. Bloomsbury.
Gedik, Tan Arda & Uslu, Fatıma. 2023. L1-L2 Transfer in the Ditransitive Construction: A Usage-based replication Study with Turkish Speakers of English. In Georgios Georgiou, Aretousa Giannakou & Christine Savvidou (eds.), Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition. Palgrave Macmillan. 
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2023. Ekodilbilim ve Posthümanist Uygulamalı Dilbilim [Ecolinguistics and Posthumanist Applied Linguistics]. In Başak Ağın & Z. Gizem Yılmaz (eds.), Beşeri Bilimlerin 50 Tonu. Cappadocia University Press.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2023. Input Optimization: Verb-argument constructions in English textbooks in Turkey. Focus on ELT Journal. 5(1). 1-18.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2023. Collostructional Transfer Effects in Turkish Learners of English: The Intransitive-Unaccusative Construction. Pedagogical Linguistics. John & Benjamins. 


Gedik, Tan Arda. A Usage-Based Constructionist Approach to Evidentiality in Turkish: the Unevidentiality Construction. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 16(1). 61-82.

Gedik, Tan Arda. & Zeynep Arpaözü. 2022. Entangled Humans, Entangled Languages: A Citizen Sociolinguistic Analysis of COVID-19 on Reddit. In Başak Ağın & Şafak Horzum (eds.), Posthuman Pathogenesis. Routledge. 167-186.

Gedik, Tan Arda. 2021.
Cognitive Lexicography: Reimagining English Manner of Motion Verbs. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 15(1). 184–199.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2021. Posthümanist Dilbilim Bakış Açısının Dil Öğretmenliği Bölümlerindeki Gerekliliği. Pasajlar.


Gedik, Tan Arda. 2020. Motion Lexicon: A Corpus-Based Comparison of English Textbooks and University Entrance Exams in Turkey. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies 5(3). 31–46.
Gedik, Tan Arda. 2020. Translation of Turkish Swear Words in Subtitling: GORA. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 8(1). 19–26.

Master's Thesis

The Intransitive-Unaccusative Construction in Turkish and English: L1-L2 Generalizations and Transfer

Supervised by Prof. Thomas Herbst

Submitted on June 30 2022.