
I am Tan Gedik. I am a usage-based applied construction grammarian with a posthumanist twist, currently affiliated with FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, and I teach an introduction to psycholinguistics class at Bilkent University.

I focus on three strands in my research:

a) as a person who was trained in English language teaching, I work on how we can apply findings from usage-based construction grammar to foreign language teaching, broadly speaking. This covers areas such as textbook analyses, material creation, and  teacher training programs.

b) as part of my PhD with Prof. Ewa Dabrowska and Prof. Stephanie Evert at FAU, I will be working on literacy related individual differences in the morphosyntactic knowledge of adult Turkish native speakers. In this endeavor, I also apply constructionist assumptions to test hypotheses in Turkish and sketch various constructions in Turkish as part of a larger constructicon. You can find a preliminary example here.

c) I try to converge posthumanism and applied linguistics in some of my work. It is a relatively new field and is definitely food for thought! You can find my blog entries on posthumanist applied linguistics in Turkish on thepentacle.org . I have also been working on redefining the term native speaker based on findings from individual differences in adult speakers and an onto-epistemological shift from posthumanism.

About me?

I love verbs, especially intransitive ones.

If it isn't obvious, yes, I love pink.

This site is still under construction and some parts might be missing. 


Tan Gedik

Academic Department

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Curriculum vitae